Ottawa RiverRegulationPlanning BoardCommission de planificationde la régularisationde la rivière des Outaouais

Forecast for 2024-06-25

River conditions forecasts posted on 2024-06-25 by Ottawa River Regulating Committee

Most of the Ottawa River Basin received more than the forecast amount of rainfall between Saturday and Monday.  Some areas received a month’s worth of rain in two days. While this led to rapid increases in levels and flows in some locations, flooding is not expected to occur. Levels and flows at most locations along the main stem of the Ottawa River have reached a peak, or should in the next day.  Flows and levels are expected to decline quickly over the next week, returning conditions to what they were a week ago.  Please note that this update is based on weather forecasts, which are imperfect by nature. The farther from the date of the forecast, the greater the uncertainty. Heavier than forecast rainfalls can occur with very little advance warning, and can result in rapid changes to water levels and flows.

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