General Dam Information
This table presents information on dams owned by Ontario Power Generation (OPG), Hydro-Québec (HQ), Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques of Quebec (MELCC), or Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) within the Ottawa River Basin.
River | Name of Reservoir | Year Built | Agency |
Ottawa | Dozois | 1949 | HQ |
Ottawa | Rapide 7 | 1941 | HQ |
Ottawa | Quinze | 1914 | MELCC |
Ottawa | Timiskaming | 1911 | PSPC |
Ottawa | Des Joachims | 1950 | OPG |
Montreal | Lady Evelyn | 1925 | OPG |
Kipawa | Kipawa | 1912 | MELCC |
Madawaska | Bark Lake | 1942 | OPG |
Gatineau | Cabonga | 1928 | HQ |
Gatineau | Baskatong | 1926 | HQ |
Lièvre | Mitchinamecus | 1942 | MELCC |
Lièvre | Kiamika | 1954 | MELCC |
Lièvre | Poisson Blanc | 1930 | MELCC |
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